Work With Natalie
The Mindset School for Soulful Entrepreneurs with Natalie Ottosen | How Can You Be Successful as a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

12. How Can You Be Successful as a Spiritual Entrepreneur?


Sometimes, when we see someone else’s success, we’re not seeing all of the work they put in behind the scenes. Successful people aren’t necessarily gifted, they just work hard and then succeed on purpose. We also know that success leaves clues. So, what does success look like and how does success show up as a spiritual entrepreneur?

Before we answer that, we need to understand how a lack of success is showing up in your life. I’ve had my own experience of self-doubt and limiting beliefs surrounding my spiritual business, but after doing the work I’m discussing today, I was able to create what I truly wanted in my business, and you can do the same.

Tune in this week to discover how a lack of success shows up in your business as a spiritual entrepreneur, and why these challenges aren’t insurmountable. You can create success in your life and your business with resilience, determination, and strategic planning, and I’m showing you how in this episode.


If you want to master your mindset, so you can create the life and business that you really want, I’m showing you how over the next six weeks. Message me on Instagram to see how you can start creating the results you want in your life through your thinking.

To celebrate the launch of the show, I'm giving away 100 of my favorite books, journals, planners, energy healing sessions, binaural meditation packs, coaching packages and so much more to 100 lucky listeners who follow, rate, and review the show.

You have 100 chances to win something amazing and these prizes are worth more than $8,000 in value! Click here to learn more about the contest and how to enter.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How a lack of success shows up for spiritual entrepreneurs.

  •  My own experience of self-doubt and limiting beliefs about what was possible.

  •  What you can do to start driving success as a spiritual entrepreneur, so you can take your business to the next level.

  •  Why creating success is a deeply personal and subjective journey.

  •  The value of being true to yourself and providing value in everything you do.

  •  How to get clear on what success means to you and what a successful spiritual business looks like.


Listen to the Full Episode:


Featured on the Show:

  • To celebrate the launch of the show, I'm giving away 100 of my favorite things to 100 lucky listeners who follow, rate, and review the show. Click here to learn more about the contest and how to enter.
  • If you want to go deeper into hearing, understanding, and following your intuition, I can help! Click here to schedule a free discovery call.
  • Follow me on Instagram for daily positivity!
  • Check out my YouTube channel for more content and meditations! 
  • Tony Robbins


Full Episode Transcript:

 Hi, I’m Natalie Ottosen and you’re listening to The Mindset School for Soulful Entrepreneurs episode number 12.

Welcome to The Mindset School podcast, a show for spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to stop feeling stuck, reconnect to their So’s purpose, and create a deeply fulfilling life and business. I’m Natalie Ottosen, transformational life coach, and reconnection healing foundational practitioner, and I can help you scale and grow a six-figure business from a place of inner authority, wisdom, knowledge, and truth.

If you are a spiritual entrepreneur and you are looking to take that first step towards your dream of running your own business, this is the show for you. Ready to step into your power and move forward with clarity and purpose? Let’s go.

So last weekend in The States it was Memorial Day. And I wanted to take a quick moment and think of all the service individuals who have fought and given their lives for my freedoms and rights. It was also the last week and weekend of my son’s club soccer. And he also had a Memorial Day soccer tournament. So yesterday I ended up, my husband actually asked me to create a little video of the last game that he had because he played spectacularly. He ended up scoring four goals and ended up having one assist in the game. And it's probably some of the best soccer I’ve ever seen him play to date.

And some would say that maybe he's lucky or some of the other parents were talking about even how unfair play time was during this season, how some of the kids got extra play time versus the others. And it got me thinking about success and hard work and how we end up showing up to create our own success and hard work. Again, some people would say he’s lucky, but the truth is he worked so hard. He worked harder probably than most any of those kids and he absolutely ended up deserving everything that he got, including those four goals, that assist and all the play time that he earned during this spring season.

Some of the hard work that he did during the season was he never missed a practice. And not only did he not miss a practice, but he worked really hard when he was at practice. He attended every single game and every single tournament. We had four tournaments this season and then he even ended up playing an extra tournament as well. He was doing strength training twice a week and then he was also working with a private coach one to two times a week. And then he was working on his foot and ball skills outside of this as well.

And I know some people will say, “Well, he has natural athletic talent.” And that's true. He does have some natural ability. But his success because of his hard work, he created that on purpose. And sometimes when we see other people’s success we’re generally not seeing all of the work that they’ve put in behind the scenes. It’s really easy for other parents on the team to say, “Well, this isn't fair that he's getting all this play time.” But he's worked so hard to become so successful at his skill that the coach wants him there playing because of how well he does.

So I posted on Instagram yesterday that successful people are not gifted, they just work hard and then succeed on purpose. And Tony Robbins talks about how success leaves clues. And again so this whole topic got me thinking about success and what that looks like. And how it shows up as a spiritual entrepreneur. And before I talk about how it shows up as a spiritual entrepreneur, I wanted to talk about how lack of success might be showing up for you and how it was actually showing up for me as a spiritual entrepreneur.

I have talked about many of these things on the podcast so far, including self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I had so much self-doubt surrounding even starting this podcast and believing that I could be a good coach. It really was hindering my ability to create what it is that I wanted to create. I mean up until recently I wouldn't create the podcast because I had so much self-doubt around it thinking that nobody wanted to hear what I had to say. That I didn't have the knowledge or the skills of the relevance to be able to bring this information forward.

Sometimes it also shows up in balancing our priorities, so we may be being pulled in so many different directions. And for myself I have a husband who works. I have kids and it’s a matter of balancing all of their things, my husband's things and also my things. So being able to create my own success and what that looks like for me. It's also some of the financial considerations. It’s overcoming gender bias and stereotypes in the workforce, especially if you're in the corporate arena.

Sometimes it's finding the correct support and mentoring that we need in order to help us move forward, finding the guidance and the encouragement in order for us to take what we have to the next level. That’s where somebody like me comes in, to help you navigate what it is that you need to do, how you need to do it and to help you move forward. So those are some of the ways that it could be showing up for you. Lack of success could be showing up for you. And it's also important to know that these challenges are not insurmountable, and they can be addressed with resilience and determination and strategic planning and proper support.

Especially when you’re investing in yourself or your business and building a strong network, you can help yourself to overcome these obstacles and create your spiritually aligned business and personal success. Creating success it’s a deeply personal and really subjective journey. Let’s say you’re a spiritual entrepreneur right now. And how many of you think, I don't have a successful business? The first thing I would ask you is what is the definition of success for you? What does success look like? So I kind of wanted to break down some of the ways success might be showing up and are you doing these things.

So number one. It could indicate purpose and meaning. So similar questions that you could ask yourself when it comes to purpose, and meaning is what brings you joy? What brings you fulfillment? What brings you a sense of purpose in your life? And are you living in alignment with your core values and your beliefs? And how would you define success on a soul level? I can say for myself right now, I am living my purpose and meaning. I am coaching. I am helping women become their own hero. I am helping spiritual entrepreneurs create their own purpose and path in their own life. So to me, I am living that part.

So number two is self-reflection and awareness. Some questions you can ask yourself is, what are your unique strengths, talents, and passions? Are you aware of your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns? How do you connect with your intuition and inner wisdom? Intuition is a guidance system. It gives us access to our inner wisdom and helps us find the answers inside of us. Again, working with a coach is a brilliant way to help you start building your intuition and accessing your inner wisdom?

Are you aware of your limiting beliefs and your self-sabotaging patterns? You guys, we have these all the time because it is the way the brain is wired. Our brain is wired for negativity. So if we are not actively working on our own limiting self-beliefs and our own self-sabotaging patterns, then we’re not managing the brain and we’re not working on that self-reflection and awareness. And then also really finding out, where are your strengths? Where are your talents? Where are your passions?

Number three is authenticity and alignment. Are you living, are you moving, are you responding, are you reacting in a way that is in authenticity and in alignment with who you are? Are you making decisions? Are you showing up? Are you keeping your word? So some of the questions you can ask yourself is, are you being true to yourself in all aspects of your life? Are you showing up publicly the same way that you're showing up privately? This isn't about shame or judgment, this is about how you are being truly authentic to yourself in all areas of your life. Are you living in accordance to your own values rather than societal expectations?

For instance, back to this money thing. We have the societal thing that we shouldn't have money. Why? Who says? Do your daily actions and choices align with your deeper purpose? So this authenticity and alignment piece, I’ve talked about it on a past episode, but I’ll talk about it again. I was doing my coaching. I moved out of my coaching into real state because I felt like that was how I was going to be able to make the most money to help support my family when I wasn't sure that my husband was going to be able to keep working.

And I ended up taking this business and turned it into a multi six figure business. And I felt completely out of alignment with who I was and what I was doing. There was no amount of money that was worth it to me. I felt like basically I was selling my soul and it wasn't working for me. And I kept doing it and kept doing it but then realized that really honestly if I was going to put all of this time and effort into building a business I wanted to do it where it fed and fueled my soul.

And now I'm building this business as well basically from the ground up, but it is possible. I know that if I can build a multi six figure real estate business, I can build a multi six figure coaching business. And when we work in alignment and authenticity with who we are, all of these pieces fall in place. So are your daily actions and your choices in alignment with your deeper purpose and what you feel like you’re called to be doing? Another area of success is work and career. So does your work align with your passions and talents?

So like I said, real estate. That was not in alignment with my purpose, with my passion and talent. Do you find meaning and fulfillment in your current career path? I did not find that in real estate. I absolutely 100% feel that in my coaching business. Again, I want to help women become their own hero. I want to help women build their own spiritually based business in alignment with who they are, creating multi six figures and having the financial freedom and the bliss and the joy that comes along with all of that. To live into their purpose and passion and to help others do the exact same thing.

So again, do you find meaning and fulfillment in your current career path? Are there ways to bring more soulful and purpose into your work? Now, this is really interesting because this was a piece that I ended up doing in my real estate business which is actually what helped take it to multi six figures is I brought the spirituality piece and I brought in this morning routine that I did every day. I ended up doing meditations and affirmation and positive reading. So I ended up taking parts of the spirituality piece that I’ve loved so much and implemented that into my real estate business.

And I also, just the way that I worked with my clients was all about loving my people. It was all about communication and diving deeper in the connection piece with the people that I was working with. Now, that didn't happen with everybody. And those were some of the harder transactions. But the more I was able to bring in the pieces of the spirituality that I loved so much I was able to create this business that was truly fulfilling for me in such a deep way.

Number five, another key to success is relationships and connections. Are your relationships nourishing and supportive of your soul's growth? So are you working with the people that you want to be working with? Are you moving forward in the way that feeds and fuels your soul? Do you understand yourself? Do you surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you? Who are the people that you’re connecting with on a daily basis? Are they on the same path as you? Not everyone has to be going where you're going, but on a daily basis, are you surrounding yourself with those people who uplift and inspire you?

How do you cultivate deeper connections and authenticity in your relationships? Again, part of the real estate piece that made it so successful for me was the connection piece, the relationship piece, the connection piece. One of the things that I did every week is I wrote two note cards to somebody, and it wasn't about business, it was just about connecting. It was about seeing what was going on in other people's lives and just connecting with them on a relationship level, saying, “I see you.”

And I have a particular story where I was at a women’s circle event. This was while I was doing real estate. I was at a women’s circle event. And I was actually hosting this specific one. And I had a woman that came in who was in tears. She was emotional. She cried the entire time. We were doing these exercises. She didn't really share much but she was really upset. And she ended up leaving and I ended up writing her a note card. And I just said, “I don't know what you're going through, but I want you to know that you're not alone and that if you need somebody to talk to, I’m available.” And that was it, that’s all I said.

And long story short, she ended up being my first listing because of that relationship and that connection. So when we look at how we can help people and the value that we’re creating for people in their lives, it shifts us from a place of I need the business to, I'm just being a human being connecting with you and when we do that, people want to work with you.

Another way success can show up is self-care and wellbeing. So are you prioritizing your self-care and nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing? Are you doing activities or practices that bring you inner peace, rejuvenation, and a sense of harmony? This can even show up in work, you guys. So when we are doing things that are not in alignment, when we’re trying to force things or trying to push things or trying to create something that isn’t in flow and isn’t in alignment, that creates the disharmony. And that kind of disturbs our success.

Sometimes we need to step away. Sometimes we need to step back. Sometimes we need to just put it down and try and just do something else. When we’re able to do that, sometimes that just brings us in the perfect flow of what it is that we’re doing and where it is that we’re going. Also are you creating a healthy work life balance? Sometimes this can be tricky especially when you're starting a new business because it does take time and effort.

So making sure that you’re communicating that or making sure that you’re giving yourself that balance that you need in order to take care of yourself, in order to nurture yourself, to do the self-care. Again, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Success can also be a contribution and an impact to the world. So how can you contribute to the greater good and make a positive impact in the world? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? And are these causes or issues that deeply resonate with your soul?

So part of what I want to create with Soul Sister Community is an opportunity to give back. So bringing a collective group of women together where we can go back and give back to the community because that feeds my soul. So how can you leverage your skills and your resources to create meaningful change for others, for yourself and for others? So I just want to share that these questions, they’re meant to serve as prompts for self-reflection and exploration. They're not here to create judgment or shame or anything else.

They’re just here for you to reflect on yourself, of how you're showing up and what success ultimately looks like for you, because again, soul success, it's a personal and ongoing journey. And it’s important to listen to your inner wisdom and intuition as you’re navigating this path. So for me, when I looked up what success was I can say yes to every single one of these areas. The only one that isn't included in here is financial success and what does that look like in your business?

So I think it's easy for us to beat ourselves up over financial success that we’re not where we want to be yet, but the thing is, is that right now my business, it’s making money. And I’m bringing in clients and I’m creating value. And I’m not where I want to be yet but I'm working towards that direction. But all of these other pieces, this purpose and meaning, this self-reflection and awareness, this authenticity and alignment. Having the work and the career line up, building relationships and connection, having self-care, and taking care of my wellbeing and creating a contribution and impact.

Those are the pieces that really define success for me. Money is just money and money is a beautiful energy exchange and I believe that we should have lots of it, all the us. We should all be making money especially as spiritual entrepreneurs because there is enough for every single person on this planet to go around. And we should all be swimming in financial success. So again, I’m helping women create that for themselves so that they can have that financial freedom to do the things that they want to create, the life that they want to create.

To have the time to spend with their kids and go to soccer tournaments and travel with them and go on vacation and do what it is that they want to do. So again, success leaves clues and successful people are not just gifted. They work hard and they succeed on purpose. So it’s manifestation plus action equals results. That’s how we show up, that’s how we do it.

So I hope this podcast episode was helpful. And I’m going to be diving more into this because I believe that there's a lot that goes into spirituality and the societal belief that spirituality and financial success. It can’t coexist but I want you to really think about what success means for you. And it may look different based on where you’re at in your life and the goals that you're looking to achieve for yourself right now, but I want you to take a moment. And if you would like to share with me @soulsistercoaching on Instagram.

Come on over and share with me what success looks like for you and how you are taking the action in your own life in order to achieve those results. Alright, you guys, again, I hope this was helpful and I will see you next week. All my love.

To celebrate the launch of the show I’m going to be giving away my favorite books, journals, planners, energy healing sessions, binaural meditation packs, coaching packages and so much more. I’m going to be giving away 100 prizes for 100 reviews to the lucky listeners who follow, rate, and review the show.

It doesn't have to be a five star review although I sure hope you love the show. I want your honest feedback so I can create an amazing show that provides tons of value.

If you've entered the podcast giveaway already, make sure that you left a review on Apple Podcasts so that you are eligible to win. Visit to learn more about the contest and how to enter.

Thank you for joining me for this week's episode of The Mindset School. Ready to dive deeper into finding your purpose and create a deeply fulfilling life? Visit for more guidance and resources. See you next week.

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